Contact Barbara

Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum Midwifery Care Options

Ready for Your New Bub?

Congratulations, it's an exciting time.

Whether planning or expecting, as you embark on this incredible journey, having the right care makes all the difference. As your dedicated midwife I'll be right by your side, guiding you through every step. You'll have personalised care, expert guidance and answers to any questions you have.

Preparation for birth starts before you are pregnant.

Depending on your needs and circumstances, I offer two options for midwifery care.

Full Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum Midwifery Support
Pregnancy and Postpartum Support
(No Birth Attendance)

Complete Midwifery Care

This comprehensive package offers guidance from early pregnancy to postpartum, making it perfect for those planning a home birth.

Full Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum Midwifery Package



Enjoy convenient home visits in the Southwest Region from Bunbury to Augusta, ensuring minimal waiting times and maximum comfort. Discuss nutrition, movement, and birth planning with me, an endorsed midwife, who can order all necessary tests and ultrasounds.


Choose your birth setting, whether it's a homebirth or hospital birth. I'll provide attentive support. If birthing at home I will arrange for a second midwife and birth pool.


Receive daily postpartum visits and ongoing support for up to 6 weeks and 6 days after birth. As an IBCLC® , I offer expert lactation consultancy and serve as your trusted sounding board during this transformative time.


To ensure comprehensive and safe care I work in close collaboration with your local GP and/or your Obstetrician.

Medicare rebates available.


Contact Barbara

Midwifery Care
No Birth Attendance

This comprehensive package offers guidance through pregnancy and postpartum (excluding birth) making it perfect for those who are considered 'high risk' or planning an elective c-section.

Pregnancy & Postpartum Package



Enjoy convenient home visits in the Southwest Region from Bunbury to Augusta, ensuring minimal waiting times and maximum comfort. Discuss nutrition, movement, and birth planning with me, an endorsed midwife, who can order all necessary tests and ultrasounds.


Not included


Receive daily postpartum visits and ongoing support for up to 6 weeks and 6 days after birth. As an IBCLC®, I offer expert lactation consultancy and serve as your trusted sounding board during this transformative time.


To ensure comprehensive and safe care I work in close collaboration with your local GP and/or your Obstetrician. 

Medicare rebates available.


Contact Barbara

Individualised Care Just for You

I deeply respect you as a unique individual, with your own needs and desires, especially during pregnancy and after birth.

My care is entirely customised to your preferences and requirements, ensuring you receive the support and attention you deserve throughout this precious journey.

Personalised Support for 'High Risk' Pregnancies.

For those with 'high-risk' pregnancies, I act as your dedicated midwife and personal assistant. With your consent, I handle the coordination of specialist appointments.

I simplify medical terminology, ensuring you receive clear and understandable information taking time to explain what you ask, ensuring all plans and communication is  tailored to your needs.


Convenient Home Appointments

Enjoy the comfort of appointments in your own home, scheduled at times that suit your lifestyle. No waiting in busy doctor's offices with your toddler or rushing around during your lunch break.

The care comes to you, making this experience stress-free, calm and tailored to your needs.


Contact Barbara